Maths is
Interesting !
Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered ( A ) How to predict a person's Date of Birth ( B ) How to predict a person's pocket money( C ) How to find the answer without knowing the question !. After Reading Please do share it with your friends. Learn maths for All classes here
Vadic maths tricks:
Every second person whom I meet
tells me that he hates mathematics . Because they hate mathematics , they get
poor scores in their exams and the poor scores further aggravate their hatred .
Thus it becomes a vicious circle !
Over the years I realized
that people often came to my seminars with a negative mindset towards
mathematics . Since an early age , their mind is conditioned to believe that
maths is boring and difficult . Thus , it becomes inevitable to create a '
paradigm shift towards the subject . Unless they are excited about the
techniques that will follow , it becomes a Herculean task to arouse enthusiasm
towards the seminar .
With a desire to create a curiosity and yearning for the subject , we researched on a set of techniques which we call ' Mental Magic . ' These techniques are so exciting and powerful that they leave the audience bewildered . They get tantalized with its workings and their entire attitude towards mathematics changes in a few minutes . After the session on Mental Magic is over , the audience is all eager , excited and ready to grasp the techniques of Vedic Mathematics . This really simplifies my task ....
In this chapter , we are going to study many of these techniques which will change your attitude towards mathematics . A few of these are trade secrets , but for the first time I am revealing them in my In such sessions , I predict the date of birth of anybody from the audience . I also predict strange things like how many brothers / sisters he has , how many children he has , how much money one has in his pockets etc. without him disclosing any information ! I also do a technique where I can get the answer to a problem without even knowing the problem ! Sounds interesting ? ! Read ahead ........
( A ) How to
predict a person's Date of Birth .
With this technique you can predict the date of birth of any number of
people simultaneously . You can try this stunt with your family members ,
friends , relatives , colleagues and even in parties .
( a ) Ask the people to take the number of the month in which they were
born ( January is 1 , February is 2 and so on ..... )
( b ) Next , ask them to double the number
( C ) Add 5 to it
( d ) Multiply it by 5
( e ) Put a zero behind the
( f ) Add their date of birth ( If they are born on 5th January then add
5 )
After the steps are over , ask them to tell you the final answer . And lo ! Just by listening to their final answer you can predict their date of birth !
Also Check
Vedic maths trick : Squaring of numbers between 50 and 60
Vedic maths trick :Squaring of numbers ending with ' 5
From the answer that you get from
each member of the audience ,
• Mentally subtract 50 from
the last two digits and you will have the date
• Subtract 2 from the
remaining digits and you will have the month .
• Thus , you will easily get his date of birth . 17
Example :
Let us suppose I was a member of the audience . My date of birth is 26th June . Then I would have worked out the steps as follows :
( a ) Take the
month number = 6
( b ) Double the
answer = 12
( c) Add 5 to it = 17
( d ) Multiply it by 5 = 85
( e ) Put a zero behind the answer = 850
( f) Add the date
of birth = 850 + 26 = 876
Thus my final answer is 876. Now , let us see how we can deduct my date
of birth from the final answer . We will subtract 50 from the last two digits
to get the date . Next , we will subtract 2 from the remaining digits to get
the month .
8 | 76
- 2 | 50
6 | 26
( month ) ( date )
On similar lines if the total was 765 , 1481 and the birthdates would be 15th May , 31th December and 21st August respectively .
7 | 65
-2 | 50
5 | 15
( month ) ( date )
14 | 81
-2 | 50
12 | 31
( month ) - ( date )
With the knowledge of this technique , you can predict the birth - date of hundreds of people simultaneously .
( Note : There are many such mathematical ways by which you can predict a person's date of birth but the method given above is one of the simplest methods )
( B ) How to
predict a person's pocket money
This technique will help you to find how much money a person has in his pocket / wallet etc. It can be tried on a group of people simultaneously .
( a ) Ask him to take the amount he has in his pocket ( just the rupees
, ignore the paisa )
( b ) Next , ask him to add 5 to it .
( C ) Multiply the answer by 5
( d ) Double the answer so obtained
( e ) Finally , ask him to add his favourite one digit number ( from 0-9
After the steps are over ask them
to tell you the final answer . And just by listening to the final answer you
will come to know the amount he has in his pocket !
• Ignore the digit in the unit's place .
• From the remaining number , subtract 5 and you will come to know the
amount he has in his pocket .
Example :
Let us suppose a person has 20 Rupees in his pocket . He would work out the steps as
given below :
( a ) Tike the
amount in your pocket = 20
( b ) Add 5 = 25
( c ) Multiply by 5
= 125
( d ) Double the
answer =250
( e ) Add your
favourite single digit number ( say , 7 ) =257
Thus , his final answer would be 257. Now , let us see how we can find out the amount he has from the final answer . As mentioned earlier , we will ignore the digit in the unit's place in this case it is 7 ) . Now the remaining number is 25. From 25 , we subtract 5 and get the amount as Rs . 20. And thus our answer is confirmed .
Similarly if the total was 1052 , 53 and 160 the amount would be 100 , 0 and 11 Rupees respectively .
( From 1052 , we ignore the last digit 2 and take only 105. From 105 , we subtract 5 and get the answer as 100 and so on ... )
I use this technique in my seminars to give the audience some relief from complex calculations . There are many ways by which we can predict the amount a person has in his pocket but I prefer this technique because it neither involves any complex calculations nor is it too obvious for the audience to guess the secret .
( C ) How to find the answer without knowing the question !
Using this technique you can find the total of a set of five numbers without knowing the numbers . In my seminars , I ask a member of the audience to give me a three - digit number . Let us suppose someone he gives me the number as 801. Then , I write the number 801 and after leaving four lines I write the final answer
801 ( Audience )
Ans : Thus , I have got the final answer without knowing all the numbers . Next , I ask him to give me another three digit number . Let us suppose he gives me 354. Now , its my turn . Within one second , I write th
801 ( Audience )
354 ( Audience )
645 ( Speaker )
Ans : 2799
Now , again it's the turn of the audience . Let us suppose he gives me 800. Now , again it is my turn . Before he blinks his eye , I write my number as 199 .
801 ( Audience )
354 ( Audience )
645 ( Speaker )
800 ( Audience )
199 ( Speaker )
Ans : 2799
Thus , I have all five numbers in place . When I ask him to check the total of the five numbers , he is amazed to find out that it is 2799 which I had predicted by looking at the first number only !
Thus , I got the answer without knowing the
question . Further , after every step I was writing my three - digit number
within one second ( without any time for calculation )
Even you can do such ' Magic Totals . You can ask the audience to give you any three - digit number and based on that you can get the final total without looking at the other numbers .
From the first number that the audience gives you , subtract 2 and always put 2 in the beginning . This becomes your final answer . For example , if the number is 801 , we subtract 2 and get 799. Next , we put 2 in the beginning and our final answer becomes 2799. If the number is 567 , we subtract 2 and get 565. Next , we put 2 in the beginning and write the final answer as 2565 . Thus , you will have the final answer .
• Next , we will see the secret of finding the subsequent steps . Subtract each digit of the number that the audience
gives you from 9 and you will have your number . In the example mentioned above , when
the audience gives me 354 , I subtract each of the digits 3 , 5 and 4 from 9
and get my answer as 6 , 4 and 5. So my number is 645. When the audience gives
me the number 800 , I subtract each of the digits 8,0 and 0 from 9 and get my
answer as 1 , 9 and 9. So my number is 199 .
In this way , you can have the intermediary steps .
Let us have a look at another example .
600 ( A ) 600 ( A ) 600 ( A )
-----→ 481 ( A ) --→ 481 ( A )
518 ( S ) 518 ( S )
009 (
A )
090 (
S )
Ans : 2598 Ans : 2598
( A = Audience , S = Speaker )
If the audiet gives you a mber as 600 , you will tract 2 from it ( 598 ) and put 2 in the beginning . Thus , your final answer is 2598. Next , let us assume the audience gives you the number 481. We subtract each of the digits 4 , 8 and 1 from 9 and get our answer as 518 instantly . Next , let us suppose the audience gives you the number 909. We subtract each of the digits 9,0 and 9 from 9 and Ans : 2598
get our answer as 090. When you check the final total , you will be surprised to find that it is indeed 2598 !
Thus , I have taught you three exciting techniques of mathematics which you can use to impress your friends and colleagues . The intention of including this chapter in the book was twofold . First , since most people have got habituated with the calculator , it is a good opportunity to tune your mind to mental calculation . Secondly , the wonderful response that you will get by using these techniques on people will definitely change your attitude towards mathematics .
Note : Since the techniques of this chapter fall beyond the scope of Vedic Mathematics , I have not elaborated on them . However , if you are keen on learning many such ‘ mental magic ' techniques like predicting how much many brothers & sisters a person has , what is a person's year of birth and such other techniques , then fill the feedback form given at the end of the book and mail it to me with the words ' Mental Magic ' written on the envelop . I will send across the techniques
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